Mark Taylor wrote:

> Ok, I just made that change.  So do you like -X2 or -X3
> better than the default?
Well, I actually use -X6, which is based on over_avg_noise;
the change for summing energy instead of dB also applies to this
version. The following code shows this for the long block
case (the same chages apply to the short block noise calculation),
in lame3.85beta.tar.gz:quantize-pvt.c (calc_noise function)
        xfsf[0][sfb] = sum / bw;
        noise = xfsf[0][sfb] / l3_xmin->l[sfb];

        if (noise > 1.0) {
          over_noise += (noise - 1.0);
        tot_noise += noise;
        /* max -30db noise below threshold */
        noise = 10*log10(Max(.001, noise));
        distort[0][sfb] = noise;

  res->tot_count = count;
  res->over_count = over;
  res->tot_noise = 10*log10(Max(.001, tot_noise));
  res->over_noise = 10*log10(1.0 + over_noise);
  res->max_noise = max_noise;
  res->tot_avg_noise = 10*log10(Max(.001, (tot_noise / count)));
  res->over_avg_noise = 10*log10(1.0 + (over_noise / count));
  return over;
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