Pierre Hugonnet schrieb am Mon, 04 Sep 2000:
> Hello,
> If I've well undertood what the VBR quality setting means (-V x), it is the allowed 
>number of bands where distortion (in the psycho-model sense) occurs .

hmm, this was the meaning of -V in the very first beginning
of LAME's VBR code.

Actually you influence the absolute threshold of hearing aka ATH
and the masking thresholds computed by GPSYCHO. VBR tries to
avoid distorted bands, but sometimes, when there are not enough
bits, they will survive.

> I'd like now to take the problem from the other side: in CBR, is there a way to have 
>statistics about the number of distorded bands (in the same way that in VBR we have 
>statistics about the bitrates) ?

This is a little bit problematic, because the number of distorted
bands does not tell you the weight of distortions you will get.
What do you think sounds uglier:
 20 distorted bands, each 0.1 dB
  1 distorted band by 2 dB

> Pierre

Ciao Robert

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