> I'm monitoring the encoding of material originally recorded in the
> 30's (now on CD). When I look at the MDCT and scale band info:
> Left and Mid Channels closely match.
> Right Channel shows very little energy.
> Side Channel shows very little energy.
> In CoolEdit L&R "appear" to be almost identical(mono). Given the age
> of the recording and Lukesh's post about "pseudo stereo" processing
> I thought that Left and Right would have matched closely in the
> frame analyzer.
> What am I missing or misunderstanding?

You say the MDCT *and* scale band info have problems.  So
I'm assuming the L,R,M & S channel PCM data looks ok?

Otherwise what you are seeing is expected - because of a flaw in the
frame analyzer.  The scaleband info (psycho acoustic data) is only
plotted for the mode which was actually used.  So if the frame is
encoded mid/side, then the M data is plotted when you select L channel
(and the S data is plotted for the R channel).

If the frame is encoded in regular stereo, then only L and R psycho
acoustic data is plotted, even if you display the M or S PCM channels.


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