> 2. I dont think declaring the sample rate as 'long double' is enough.  We
> need to add a portable, object oriented arbritrary precision floating
> point library to LAME.  The sample rate should be a default of
> 128 digits, but the user can increase this with suitable
> options.
    Arbitrary precission is not enough.

    Planck time is around 10^-42 s, age of universe is around 10^+18 s, 
    so 60 decimal digits are good enough.

non C Programmer: 
    Current CPUs are supporting long double (being 64 or 80 bit) in
    hardware, so why we aren't use this.

Assembler Programmer:
    How large are the floating point registers? Is there any trick to store
    two numbers to increase speed? No?

Video technican:
    Films are at most around 4 hours, humans can detect time differences
    down to 20 ms, so we need something around 6 decimal digits.

    Reduce precission as long as noone complains.

Advanced Markedroid:
    Reduce precission as long as noone charges you.

Professional Markedroid:
    Reduce precission as long as income increases.

C Programmer:
    Why we are not using a 'int', if we need more precission,
    then we can store ms or mHz in ints. Also µs, ms, cs and s/HZ
    are possible (see POSIX API).

C++ Programmer:
    We need a class ...

Ada programmers:
    Don't we have a generic type to store time intervals?

COBOL programmer:
    Sample frequencies are between 00000 and 99999 Hz, right?

FORTRAN programmer:
    It isn't an index, so I use a REAL.

    Can we assume that all sample frequencies can be exactly described by
    a/b with a and b being two finite integral numbers with  gcm (a,b) := 1 ...

Haskell programmer:
    Do we need numbers? You can describe all by sets. 
    There is really no computation until you want to remove the WAV files
    from hard disk.

    What are types?

> 4. LAME should be converted to C++ or Java.  C just is not up to
> the task of distinguishing between 30 different types of integers.
Current C (C89 + POSIX) has something around 18 integer types. C99 + POSIX
something around 90 integer types. May be the ISO committee is stupid, may be
they have recognized some problems of the C language.

char signed char unsigned char short unsigned short long unsigned long int
unsigned int size_t ssize_t off_t ptrdiff_t wchar_t ptr_t clock_t time_t

char signed char unsigned char short unsigned short long unsigned long int
unsigned int size_t ssize_t off_t off64_t fpos_t fpos64_t ptrdiff_t wchar_t
wint_t ptr_t clock_t time_t int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t int128_t uint8_t
uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t uint128_t int_least8_t int_least16_t
int_least32_t int_least64_t int_least128_t uint_least8_t uint_least16_t
uint_least32_t uint_least64_t uint_least128_t int_fast8_t int_fast16_t
int_fast32_t int_fast64_t int_fast128_t int_fast16_t int_fast32_t
int_fast64_t int_fast128_t uint_fast8_t uint_fast16_t uint_fast32_t
uint_fast64_t uint_fast128_t bool ...

Also note: float_t and double_t

And there are also a lot of Unix types out there (having currently fixed sizes):
pid_t, dev_t, ino_t, fsid_t, gid_t, uid_t, mode_t, umode_t, nlink_t, ...

Frank Klemm

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