Ross> Gargos Chode wrote:
Ross> > -V1 -mj -b128 -q2 -d -p -k -F --nspsytune --athlower -35 -X3.
Ross> Some thoughts:
Ross> -p & -F will have no effect on sound quality.  I have had mixed results with 
nspsytune.  -X2 & X3 both produce massively larger average bitrates than all the 
others.  I've never played with -d.  Can someone tell me if allowing channels to have 
different blocktypes has any bad side effects?  ie. ISO or decoder compatibility?

  First, one should not specify "--athlower -35". This may significantly
degrade sound quality.

  I always used -q1 while tuning --nspsytune. I think -q1 doesn't
degrade sound quality so much with --nspsytune.

  Theoretically, -X doesn't affect sound quality in VBR mode. 

Naoki Shibata   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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