On May 22, 2008, at 4:03 PM, Mindy Lee wrote:
> I have another question. When I choose colormap -c bluered -Z I can  
> get the color in red only. Is there any possibility to make it all  
> blue?

Yes, you can use the -r option to reverse the colormap order.

However, if you have data that goes from 0 to some positive value,  
then -Z bluered (with or without reversal) is probably not the best  
color scheme; it was designed for positive+negative data, whereas for  
single-signed data it only uses one color and hence only a small part  
of the dynamic range available from color.  For all-nonnegative data  
like an energy density, I usually prefer the "hot" color scheme, which  
goes from black to red to yellow to white (like a heated black body).

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