Dear Steven and MPB users,

I was trying to obtain the EFS (Equi Frequency Surface) plot of 2D photonic
crystal lattice by making use of the code as given by Steven Sir himself in
one of the old archive posts :

It was very easy to obtain the EFS plot for square lattice by making use

(wavevector-diagram (kgrid 0 0.5 0 0.5 20 20) TM 0)

And then replicating it (by making use of replicate.m again defined in the
same archive post) to obtain multiple Brillouin Zones in the final EFS

But how to do it for a hexagonal lattice ? What I tried is that I used the
wavevector-diagram function to generate w values over a Kgrid spanning all
the way from -2 to +2 along both x and y directions (I know it is waste of
computational space by doing that but did it to remove the use of an
additional function to replicate one quardant of Brillouin Zone) and then
plotted it by making use of contour plot in Octave/Matlab.
But by doing it I ended up in a skewed plot of hexagonal EFS which looks
more like having a square symmetry !

I'm sure many would have done it correctly and I must be making some silly
mistake here. If someone could provide some help in this it will be much

Thanking you in advance.

IIT Delhi, India.
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