On Aug 13, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Manish Kumar wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> Thank you for your reply.
> It does make sense and could be the possible reason of why the calculated 
> results is not matching.
> In the meanwhile I'm not sure if actually the paper by M. Notomi, "Theory of 
> light propagation in strongly modulated photonic crystals: Refractionlike 
> behavior in the vicinity of the photonic band gap", Phys. Rev. B 62, 10696 
> (2000) made use of this effective index method or not.
> Could you please tell me some good reference paper / link for understanding 
> the implementation of this method to reduce 3D photonic crystal to a 2D 
> calculation.

We have a recent paper on one such "effective 2d" technique, which also 
references other work on this:


However, I should note that all of these "effective 2d" techniques are only 
heuristic approximations when applied to high-contrast 3d structures -- 
although they are often surprisingly effective, at least at predicting the 
dispersion relation, there is no guarantee of accuracy.    It isn't actually 
that expensive to just do the full 3d calculation, so I usually recommend that 
you do this at some point, although it is good to start with the 2d 
calculations just because they are simpler and can give you a rough 
understanding of what is going on before you deal with the complexities of 3d.

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