I am on Windows XP x64, using mingw64 as my compiler in an msys shell.  I 
believe I have loaded the autotools into my environment, but I can't say I 
"know" autotools.

Are you saying that you can make the change in the mpir svn, and then I could 
download and test it?  If that's the case, I would be happy to try.

I've found the svn repository and have downloaded version 3828.  What are the 
correct steps to take?  Maybe something like:
0) autoreconf -i    (is this step necessary, I got by without it)
1) ./configure --enable-gmpcompat
2) make
3) make check

I ran configure and make and ran into a problem with make.  Then when I started 
looking into it, I see that it was the same problem I had reported earlier with 
the configure script not correctly handling the CRLF in the config.in file. 
Once I repatched the configure script both "make" and "make check" completed 

Please let me know if/when you can add the redc_2 function into MPIR, and I 
test it out to make sure it fixes my gmp-ecm issue.  Thank you for your time. 
I'll talk with you later.

-David C.

Hi Running autotools under mingw* is a brave move , even on cygwin I wouldn't 
advise it , but it seems to work.
I can add it to the svn probably monday/tuesday , if the new ecm requires it 
then we have to add it anyway , shouldn't take me 
more than an hour. Thanks for your report.


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