Today I began scheduling tours to choose a kindergarten school for my
daughter.  I ran into a problem where most of the schools were not even
offering tours until the holiday season, some not until the first week of
December.  I thought: How are working parents going to be able to get all
the tours in they need during the busiest time of the year before the
mid-January deadline and then make a reasonable and intelligent choice?  So,
in frustration I called the Welcome Center.

Shiree in the Welcome Center is a genius in customer service as far as I am
concerned.  She took my complaint, told me she would call me back.  She did
within the half hour and all of the schools called me back within an hour to
schedule tours that would work for us.  Wow, what a turnaround in only a
couple of hours.  And what service.  You're gonna get me to vote Yes for
Minneapolis Public Schools if this keeps up!!   Great job in responding to a
parents needs.  Thanks MPS.

Russ Peterson
Ward 9

R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
"You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

3857 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407


Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID

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