As I have said in the past, just putting the park land in trust does
nothing to ensure adequate funding for the parks.   Take a look at the
maintenance of St. Paul parks or Duluth parks if you think the Minneapolis
City Council will continue to fund neighborhood parks.

Also, remember, the city council opposed getting a park referendum on the
ballot. The city council did not even consider making block E a park.  The
City Council wanted to give parade stadium to the Tyrone's theatre, back in
the 60's the City tried to stop the park board from fighting highway 55
through M'haha park and I94 through North Mississippi park, back in the
50's the city Council forced the park board to give (sell) Brownie lake
land to Prudential (sp?) .

Now for collaboration.  Yes, the City, the Park Board, the Library Board
and the School Board should look at all possible ways of collaborating.
Just recently, the Minneapolis and St. Paul United Ways formed a new
organization that is jointly run that provides all the "back office"
services to both organizations.  It they can do it, why can not the various
parts of Minneapolis government.

>Its really a shame that credible, thoughtful, articulate ideas like this
>get so little reasoned debate in Minneapolis. In many ways
>Minneapolitans are a very conservative, reactionary bunch for all are
>liberal chest pounding. Even a cursory analysis of the Park Board

>Erik Riese

>(Pertinent parts of the original messages posted below for context)
>Steve Minn, replying to M Hohmann of the 13th ward wrote:
>> The word is...don't bother unless you are prepared to assault motherhood,
>> apple pie and Chevrolet, too.
>> I had analyzed this and proposed a charter change in 1996 that would put the
>> Park assets (park land) in Trust,

>> ----------
>> > Speaking of all the issues/details associated with MPRB (separate
>> > political entity), etc., just what is/would be involved in eliminating the
>> > 'entity' and putting all functions/assets, etc. under the City?  I think
>> > Steve Minn has examind the issue in a past life.  What is the word Steve?

sheldon mains    seward neighborhood    minneapolis      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

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