Jon K. asks:

>One important thought I would like to throw in is that
>these classes be free.

That was always my plan. I'm also interested in advice on fundraising, or
places/organizations that will help for free as part of their own mission.
Foundation suggestions, anyone?

>Which runs into my second thought - how are people
>enrolled?  My first thought is to have an "enrollment
>window" and depending on demand, and the number of <sinp>

This is to be determined, though Jon's right about not making it first come
first served, to avoid insider taint. The logical way to best get the word
out is to inform the city political parties, including Greens, Libertarians,
Independence, etc.

I've wrestled with a few questions already: do you allow candidates from the
same race to sit in the same class? Competing for the same primary? My early
answer is yes -- best to have one mass session, to reduce time on the
presenters (who will probably have to be volunteers unless I get cash for
honoraria). I think we'll need to have participants sign a "code of
conduct" -- that this is not a debate, no arguments, only questions, etc.
Something to keep it steered toward information, not electioneering.

>Is David actually going ahead with planning on this,
>or is there someone else (or a group) who is willing
>to take up the reigns?

I'm running with it for now, but don't wish to "own" it and would welcome
any help. I've contacted friends at the Center for Urban and Regional
Affairs, and the Humphrey Institute, to see who can help. Anu other
nominations are welcome.

>One last seems like this would be a good
>thing to hit cable access with...

FABULOUS idea...can someone at MTN provide advice here?

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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