carol becker stated "the fastest way to dehumanize a
person is to call them a name". of course she is

this is politics going on here and it seems to me the
whole process has become inherently dehumanizing.

aside: i hate the work "folks". i hear a number of
people toss it around on this list. i find it to be
incredibly condescending.

what started this whole thread was Barb Lickness'
little mistake revealing her machiavellianism.
oops! another name.

i agree with our list manager. this is stupid. i for
one hope to keep my feet out of my mouth. i'm quite
possibly one of the worst culprits on this list but
the way i figure it is we are all (presumably) adults
and ought to be able to handle this sort of name
i am frankly more comfortable with wizard calling barb
a neo-nazi than with all the back-biting that is bound
to be going on behind this list. i can only imagine
what some might say about me, but then maybe i am too
presumptious to think anyone is concerned or talking
about me.

interestingly enough, the strib printed a fantastic
editorial a number of months ago about the use of the
words that refer to the nazis, etc. i forget the name
of the author. maybe someone can help, here. i would
recommend it to all who toss out words like neo-nazi.

i've sort of meandered off into nowhere here in a vain
attempt to score points. tells me its time for an
intentional walk.

i'm feeling like a stupid idiot dehumanizing himself.


tim connolly
ward 7

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