The Mpls. Park Board has received disaster money for trees from our past
flooding storms of a few years back. This is basically an internal Park
Board info piece... but it's the second piece that might be important to some!

                 "The person who runs FEMA is someone who must have the
trust of the president,
                 because the person who runs FEMA really is the first
voice, oftentimes, that
                 someone whose life has been turned upside down hears
from." - George W. Bush
                 on why he picked pal Joe Allbaugh to run the Federal
Emergency Management

Did everyone see the HOMES Magazine section of Saturday's Star Tribune and
the article on pg. H8?  This is my proposed solution to the GM Water issue
and it makes a story in the paper. The system is more efficient and
economical. At dubya's new ranch home it is using a new geothermal heat
pump system.
The most incredible part of the story is the caption with the picture which
ends in the line...
"Bush is among converts to the technology and said that geothermal heat is
"environmentally hip".
Even my good friend, architect William McDonough is quoted "Imagine your
building with roots. It's as local as you can get.  And all sustainability,
like politics, is all local." 
Who would have ever though I would have something in common with GWB.
The Mother Goddess could help us out here by making GWB the
"sustainability" President...
There I go with those wild dreams again....

Annie Young
Ward 6 - East Phillips in Minneapolis
Citywide at-large Park Board Commissioner
Working to build a sustainable community

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