I could use a reasonably tech savvy AOL user - or at least someone who knows
how to converse with AOL tech support - to help with a list management

Our server is currently set up to stop posts that aren't in Plain Text or
have attachments. (This is to block viruses like the one that got through
the list a few months back.) Problem is, I have to manually review posts
that are stopped this way, and for many reasons - my time, not wanting to
screen posts, etc. - I'd rather not do that.

Almost all AOL members send in HTML format, the one that AOL markets as
letting you use fancy fonts, pictures, etc. And while that's good for Aunt
Minnie, it's not good for list postings or list managers.

Not being an AOL user, I can't tell members how - or even if - they can
configure their email program to send Plain Text. (The rest of you who don't
already send this way, please, please figure it out.)  So...if any AOL user
knows how to do this, please let me know offlist - and I'll forward the best
instructions to the list. Maybe some of you know already, but my guess is
you'll have to use AOL's interactive tech support to figure it out.

Remember, the time you spend can save your friendly list manager many

Send answers to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Brauer
List manager, Minneapolis-Issues

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