Just a few reminders:

1. Can everyone please, PLEASE delete most of the previous post when they're
responding to the list? Endless lines of repeated text not only waste
bandwidth, the unneeded text forces Digest readers to scroll through endless
lines of repeated copy. Also, the junk text forces more frequent digests
(since a digest mailing is triggered approximately every 50 k of messages.)

2. Digest version: if you're overwhelmed with individual emails, consider
this option - you can get 10-20 list posts sent to you in a single email.
Simply surf to http://www.mnforum.org/mailman/listinfo/mpls and invoke the
Digest option under your subscription. If you can't figure this out, email
me (but do try to figure it out). The downside of digests is that you don't
get every post right away (but usually within a day)...and you have to
scroll through a lot of needlessly repeated text by sloppy list members!

3. Please try to send list messages in Plain Text format. We've only had one
virus come through the list in three years, but this only happens using
fancy formats like HTML and MIME. So our list server stops all non-Plain
Text messages -- and I have to review them individually to make sure no
viruses exist. That sucks for me, and also holds up your important list post
until I can get to it. So please try to figure out how to make your email
program send all [EMAIL PROTECTED] messages plain text...it also saves
bandwidth, making for quicker downloads. (AOL 6.0 users - I still don't know
how you can send Plain Text, but if one of you can email AOL tech support
and ask how, I'd be grateful if you'd let me know...)

David Brauer
List manager, Minneapolis-Issues

Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minnesota E-Democracy
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