This has been a great thread, and I've enjoyed every posting. But I want to say
one more thing...

There are many reasons why we decide on a certain school for our kids. Or
whether we live in the country or the city, or about which vehicle we drive,
what kind of house we live in, whether we have biological or adopted kids,
pro-choice or not -- the list goes on.

There are an infinite number of reasons that we can all find to split ourselves
into differing camps.

The older I get (and I'm getting up there), the more discouraged I am by our
willingness (glee -- in some cases) to make moral judgements about each other.
Not just on this list, but everywhere: suburban vs. urban, private vs. public,
494 vs. Light Rail -- it's prevalent everywhere. And it's tiresome. Do we
really need to defend the reasons that we send our kids to a certain school?

I don't know RT's reasons for sending his kids to a private school, but is it
any of our business? Shouldn't we trust that he (and his spouse!) have made the
best decision for their kids? Are we really prepared to pass moral judgement on
someone for such a personal decision? I guess I'm not. I know I'd flunk the
"perfect citizen" test (and perfect person test, for that matter) so I'm going
to let RT make his own call on this one.

Janis Hall

David Brauer wrote:

> Ken Avidor has hit upon a great thread. I'm glad to see it's generated so
> much discussion. I know Ken as an excellent and involved neighbor -- he even

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