Well, with all the comments on other Wards just a reminder for all of you in
the 7th that Lisa Goodman is the one to vote for!
I'm voting for lisa in large part  because of her strong commitment to
historic preservation.  Because of Lisa's support, we were able to get
historic designation of the McPhail School of Music building (at 12th St. &
LaSalle Ave.) and hopefully we will see the same outcome next Friday for the
Harmon Area Automobile Historic District, both in the Loring Park
There are many issues that impact our neighborhoods this year and all are
important.  Lisa has shown a vision that not only relates to the human
condition of our community i.e. affordable housing, crime & safety issue to
name a few, but also to the "fabric" of what makes a great neighborhood -
Loring Park - a place where people want to live, work and visit.

Richard Anderson
Loring Park

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