Is there a particular reason why Lynnell's OPINION article is being attacked with such 

Schools are having problems, children of color rank behind white children, and the 
lower on the economic indicator a child is the less resources they tend to have.  
These are pretty much understood, I'm just not certain how this is Lynnell's fault.

And while you're "certain" that liberals have demanded nothing of the sort, I know 
that many have.  I've worked with ones who have, I've debated with them, I've lobbied 
on issues with them.  Many do think that the schools should solve these things.  
Unrealistic? Yes.  Unheard of? No.  More to the point, I believe she was speaking 
generally which is allowed in literary license.

Specifically, though, when you state things like "in other words" or "the implication 
is", your stating your own interpretation however incorrect or correct it might be.  
Which is fine, but when you draw conclusions or state that your interpretation is what 
things mean definitively it becomes wrong.

Schools have serious problems.  If you're interested in working on those problems lets 
come up with solutions and work to implement them.  But I fail to see how attacking a 
person's opinion on the fact that parent's should not be so tense about this is doing 
anything to help the situation.  She didn't say don't be concerned, she said don't be 
overwhelmed.  And she didn't say if you're kids don't turn out right, it's your fault 
as a bad parent, she said if you're doing the right thing don't be OVERLY anxious 
about school choice because the things that your providing for kids will help them 
thrive and survive no matter what.

The issue of children and schooling is serious, let's deal with it seriously.

Jonathan Palmer
Stevens Square-Loring Heights
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