It is encouraging to hear our new mayor decry the petty shenannigans of insider
politics.  I would like to point out that what he is protesting are the the
oh-so-human tried and true political persuasion tactics used in almost every
organization since time immemorial.

What is encouraging is that RT is in a position to set the tone for the new
administration's culture.  That is, he has the power to make a change from
"business as usual."  Overcoming the foibles human nature is not a task to be
taken lightly, and I want to commend him for taking a stand, early on, that
demonstrates low tolerance for this kind of hooliganism and for demonstrating
his expectation that votes should be primarily based on pragmatism and rational
analysis of the issues rather than partisan ideology.

It is said that organizations, like fish, stink from the head down.  His post
indicates that RT will be the fresh catch-of-the-day.

Score one big one for RT.

Barbara Nelson
formerly Seward
now Burnsville

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