Barb Lickness wrote:

A little correction Greg. I am assuming that by
"Southcentric" you meant the reps were all from the
South side.  

Holland and Shingle Creek are northside neighborhoods.
East Phillips and Hale are Southside neighborhoods. 2
from each side seems equally weighted to me.

[GDL] Actually, to nitpick a bit, I said that the elected reps and the alternates were 
a bit "southcentric," as in:

Nokomis East
Holland (NE)
East Phillips
Lowry Hill East
East Calhoun (ECCO)
Shingle Creek

But that was not my real point, which was the lack of ethnic diversity at this level 
of the NRP as well as on neighborhood boards, etc.  That, at least, deserves some 
honest and open discussion, as well as more work.

Gregory Luce
North Phillips (well within the northern hemisphere of Minneapolis)

North Phillips Press is a publication of Project 504, 
a housing related neighborhood organization based in 
the Phillips neighborhood.
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