Hello David and Kingfield folks.
Here is my take on your question. "Is there a greater need for affordable family housing or affordable senior housing, or is either meeting an important city-wide need?"
While our population is growing older, I beleive that many neighborhoods are contemplating adding senior housing units.
From my experience on my block (which has 60 apartment units) there is a very great need for affordable family housing, especially, 2 to 3 bedroom apartments.
This is especially true for immigrant families that often have more kids and elders living at home.
If you are granting a variance to allow for more units, perhaps you can use that as a variance to get an agreement for more affordable units.  You might also want to consider getting the parcel put into a land trust. Foundation money could be used to subsidize this part of the land cost and build in long-term affordability into the development.
Sean Gosiewski, Corcoran Neighborhood

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