Well, it's been awhile since I've made a few comments about how much money
($1.2Million) the MPRB plans to spend to renovate the shelter building in
Loring Park. Construction we are told will begin this fall.
So, what's the big deal about MPRB spending money to build an office for
themselves? If they are willing to spend this much money to renovate a
building that has little community use, what's a few million more for office
The neigborhood organization and the Capitol Long Range Improvement
Committee (CLIC) has asked the MPRB for a document that we assume the MRPB
would have done to justify the expense of the Loring renovation and
expansion into an "Arts Center". Not ever produced by the MRRB to date!
I guess that we all should just assume that the MPRB spends money as it sees
fit regardless of "community concern" and leave it at that.
So where are the good fishing holes?
Richard Anderson
Loring Park

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