This is a great post for demonstration purposes. The points I make here are
all my opinion. I think Pamela is what New Yorkers call a 'soon to be a
Republican'. Or loosely.  A Democrat who hasn't been mugged yet.

> List,
> I got ripped off and I blame the banks.  I did not overdraft my TCF
> I had my home broken into and a book of blank checks stolen.  The crooks
> cleaned me out.  When I was filling out the paperwork at the bank, I asked
> how they could cash those checks when the signature clearly did not match?
> Of course they have no answer for that.  So what is the point in having
> those signature cards if they don't have any intention of checking it
> against the one on the check?  I was robbed in January of 2000.  It took
> them until April of that year to determine that they should give me back
> money.

The bank is fulfilling the requirements to get re-imbursed from their loss
prevention specialists (Insurance). They will pay you off when they get paid
off. They need to verify and be sure it wasn't a personal job. Please do not
take that personal.
> Previous to that I had been robbed and the burglars broke windows and
> and left clear fingerprints on the remaining windows and walls. I
> immediately called the police, touching nothing, so they could gather
> evidence.  It took them almost two hours to arrive at my home, and when
> finally got there, they said it was not customary for them to dust for
> fingerprints. They wrote a report, which nothing ever came of, and
> no type of evidence. I was given some crappy story, and I was quite pissed
> with the men in blue when they left. If I hadn't been a law-abiding kind
> gal, I would have hit them over the head on their way out. They seemed
> useless.

 When we got burgled in prestigious SW. The cops laughed at me for leaving a
window/screen open. I didn't get mad, I slapped my head and went DOH!!!!
They gave me a form to fill out and give it to my insurance. That was the

When I got hit by an un-insured motorist, the cops had him in custody right
there. He handed me a card for my insurance company. Restitution from the
man who totaled by car-jo-daily bread???  Nahhhh. Get the picture. Prop
crime is solved by personal insurance. You are responsible for your loss.The
city is not going to get the bad guy and make him pay. Never, never, never.

The police have no time to pursue these matters. Shots fired or other
violent episodes take hours to respond. Mpls spends money on other things
besides quick response. The citizens/voters/elected officials like it like
that. Besides, if we did arrest all the bad guys, where would we put them?
The citizens of Mpls, Henn Cty, State of MN like it the way it is. It's
cheaper housing criminals in Phillips, Whittier, Jordan or wherever. By
housing them in those neighborhoods, the taxpayer doesn't directly foot the
bill. More of the incarceration cost is subsidized by the aforementioned
people in those neighborhoods. Really folks, special thanks ought to go
around to all those who vote year after year to house criminals in private
housing. It saves us so much money in taxes. So what if someone's
neighborhood goes down the drain.

King George the III got in trouble for housing his army in private homes.
I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that Red Coats behaved better then your
average 21 Century crack dealer.

Today's Strib quotes a downtown Police Inspector. To many crimes are going
un-punished.  Didn't we just see a stunning number of something like over
half of Henn County traffic fines are not being paid? Lets see, we've
determined that Property Crime is not a matter to be addressed by law
enforcement. Now we have misdemenor offenses being not dealt with (downtown)
or applied as building code(Ask Tony Scallon). What's next on the old crime
chart?  Felonies....hmmmmm who can we offload that on?
> Incidentally, I lived in the Central neighborhood in a nice house on the
> corner of 34th and Park Avenue, I am a woman, and African-American.
> Could that have had anything to do with it?

Slighly overweight married whiteboy who epitomizes busy middle class. We
lived in lesser house but a better neighborhood ( if house values define)
then Pam. We got the same level of law enforcement service. I don't blame
the cops. I blame the county and state for not locking up bad guys. I blame
the various levels of government for condoning, encouraging, or subsidizing
the break up crucial building blocks such as families.There are so many
people who need blame before the cops.  Kind of like being a landlord.  It's
to easy of a target but still the wrong target.

BTW  Looks like the "Blame the Landlord" method is going to be applied as a
final conclusion on the 26th Ave N Meelee. If in doubt yell " the butler did
it!" It gets you to the next round of the game, when this round has lost
it's flavor.

Craig Miller
Former Fultonite

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