Vicky Heller's post got me to the city website then the budget.  Go to the
city sight click budget, it'll get you to lots of PDF docs.  Boring
accounting stuff.  But it's what you need to know.

There seems to be a gap between 2001 Revenues 493,866,000
and Expenditures
That's a gap of over 49 Million.  Where is it being carried on the books?
How did the city get borrowing authority that 50 states and no other
municipal government enjoys?  Can some one from city hall clear the soup
here?  Or are we running an annual deficit like Uncle Sam?

The other item I noticed in Vicky's post.  The amount of debt service.  She
correctly points out that it went up almost 40% in one year!!  What's the
forecast amount in the out years.
Over a third of our rev is paying interest.

What if 1/3 of your income was paying credit cards?  I know my life is not
the city, but GD!
what's going on here?

Craig Miller
Former Fultonite

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