I have to echo what Terrel is saying.  To the average partially engaged or
un-engaged citizen, the Biernat scandal is just a horrible stain on my
hometown.  No amount of reform talk/action is going to matter. It's like a
drunk holding a beer and saying  "I can change, I swear it".  No matter how
much we pretend to clean up our act, it doesn't matter until the 20 ton
elephant is removed.

It reminds me of all the Nixon apologists.  No matter how much they talked
about the foreign policy successes or how he funded and expanded the Great
Society programs, we kept coming back to the BUT:  What about Watergate.

I haven't checked the City Charter lately.  If the council has the authority
to expel one of their own, and fail to do in this situation, well shame on
all of us.

Craig Miller
Former Fultonite and moving back when the last rat is in college.

> If Mayor Rybak wants to rebuild trust in City Hall, he should start by
> demanding the resignation of Councilmember Joe Biernat.  The other
> members of the city council should do the same thing, they certainly
> shouldn't allow him to remain as chair of the committee which
> supervises the function that the indictment (and the confession we read
> about in the papers) involves.
> I think the technical term is: Throw the bum out.  Maybe then we can
> start building some trust in City Hall.  Until then it is a cruel joke.
> Terrell Brown
> Loring Park
> terrell at terrellbrown dot org
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