
Most of the campaign volunteers are out -- well campaigning -- rather
then responding to Dyna's outrageous posts.

1. The Unsupported Accusations

The Samuel's campaign is in no way "playing loose with the rules." Dyna
is making leaping assumptions based on partial information at best.  We
have printed no where near 70,000 literature pieces.  Simply because
Dyna, as a likely primary voter has received 5 mailings -- she assumes
everyone in the ward has.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
Simply because Dyna doesn't know who the Samuel's donor list is she
assumes it must be coming from illegal or illicit sources.  Is it so
hard to believe that a professional African-American man without a party
endorsement would have the resources to raise money to run for office?

When the campaign finance reports are filed the list of donors and
expenses of the campaign will be appropriate, responsible, legal and
moral. To imply otherwise is completely irresponsible.

2. Don supports GLTB civil rights

Don Samuels as an individual and as a candidate is pro-choice and
supports GLTB civil rights. He would have supported the Domestic
Partnership ordinance which recently passed the City Council.  He would
work closely with the Minneapolis delegation to advocate that the city
be allowed to extend domestic partnership benefits to Minneapolis City

Don was never invited to screen with Stonewall DFL prior to the
endorsement, and their endorsement of the DFL-endorsed candidate after
the DFL endorsement was a foregone conclusion. As Stonewall DFL's
leadership has expressed on this list before they are obligated by their
organizational charter to support only the DFL-endorsed candidate. Don
is not that candidate.

3. The dark-side of the DFL

I can not close without responding to this comment of Dyna's: " If Don
Samuels had any real community values he'd respect the choices of his
neighbors and join them in supporting the DFL endorsed candidate, Olin

As a Democrat I find this offensive and the exact sentimentality that is
justifiably driving voters from the DFL in droves. With this philosophy
we wouldn't have a single statewide elected Democrat.  Both Mark Dayton
and Mike Hatch ran against the DFL-endorsed candidates on their
respective roads to victory.  Even the party "heroes" like Rodger Moe
and Skip Humphrey have run against the DFL endorsement.  The idea that
60% of 72 people, no matter how representative, should solely choose who
the candidate should be to the exclusion of other choices is utterly

If the party is going to be revived, and re-earn a majority either in
Minnesota or nationally -- the idea that it is disrespectful to run
against a DFL-endorsed candidate must whither away. We need the new
faces, the new ideas, the new constituencies, and the new voices that
non-traditional candidates offer.  We do not need more of the same party
insiders propped up by organizational loyalty -- we need to reach out
and lift up authentic community leaders.

4. A viable alternative

Fortunately there are many Democrats, both in the 3rd ward and around
the city that felt it was in the best interest of the DFL, the best
interest of the city, and the best interest of their neighbors in the
Third Ward to provide an authentic community voice -- someone who may
not have played all the political games -- but someone with diverse,
unique experience and a well developed moral and political compass -- a
real chance to be considered by all the voters in the Third Ward. We
don't choose, they don't determine, only some will vote -- but we have
tried to create a level playing field where the best candidate will
emerge from the will of the people.

On Monday night we will learn the voters choices. 

Proud to be working hard to give amplification to an authentic community

Joseph Barisonzi


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