In a message dated 2/13/03 6:00:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

>  The City's property taxes will simply be overwhelmed if there is no help 
> from 
>  the state to deal with these very real situations.  What every happened 
>  "From each according to his ability; to each according to his needs."
Keith says; That canard went out of style with the dismantling of the Soviet 
Empire. That chant may still be heard in North Korea. A nearly onomatopoeic 
model of bliss; it's application never seems to work out for the have-not 
hopefuls. The Mpls. municipal outcome under the former spend wild regime 
seemed to benefit the "needs" of Non-Profiteering Developers and "Target" 
corpulent corporations; those the City Mothers found the "most equal" among 
equals. Most others could go to the shelter; or chip in to pay debt; 
according to their "ability".

Keith Reitman  NearNorth


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