> Along with Jim and Peter J., I'd like to express my support for Vicki.
> As I've said in the past, I the rules for the List regarding civil
> discourse seem not apply when those expressing their viewpoints are
> considerably to the left or the right of the arrogant DFL center.

You're right, Peter. If I enforced the rules on civil discourse with those
posters, they'd be gone a long time ago. Since almost all are still here,
thanks for the compliment.

Political diversity on the list is valued. However, so is civil discourse.
In other words, don't push it, thanks. Righteous opinions can still be
expressed civilly.

David Brauer
List manager

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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