The Southwest Journal has an excellent case study of what is wrong with the
city of my birth.

The problem is too much high speed traffic on 50th street.  Having lived a
block away from there for 10 years I would have to agree.    During rush
hour it gets pretty fast.  Every now and then you get to see a pretty good
car wreck, with a lot of busted glass.  No deaths that I can remember.

The solution offered by the traffic engineers and being trumpeted by the
neighborhood groups and individual folks is to eliminate most of the parking
on 50th street between France and Lyndale Ave.  For those of you un-familiar
with this stretch:  it is long, vibrant and a model for all other commercial
streets to emulate.  Very little chain store action.  Mostly unique
individual stores with loads of character, that employ locals if not owned
by locals.

As is the case in situations like this, the shopkeepers are opposed.  In
this case specific, the shopkeepers are UNIVERSALLY OPPOSED.  They are
complete agreement from one end of this commercial street to the other.
No diverging opinions. Since horse and buggy days small business owners want
street parking.  We managed to survive 75 years of automobiles on this
street. But their opinions are going to mean very little.  They

1. Pay more taxes
2. Shovel their walks before the home owners.
3. Get sued more often.
4. Employ the kids of the neighborhood, who don't want to work at the
suburban big box.
5. Provide countless sums of money to local well intentioned groups and
6. Sponsor every thing under the sun.
7. Allow their business' to be the organizing and focal point for community
8. Get graffittied more often, and get billed for the effort.
9. If the parks are the heart of the city, these business' are the soul of
the city.  They are the reasons people come and stay in SW Mpls.  There are
better parks in many cities, there are better schools in most of the
suburbs, there is more housing for the buck everywhere, there is more
efficient use of taxpayer dollars in all other cities.

But the one thing the burbs can never have is the cool scene of commerce in
the city.  Nada, donut, never, not gonna happen.  Hands down, slam-dunk,
over before it started. Small city business romp!

For some of these business, the parking on the street are as inseparable
from them as yeast is to a baker.  They just have to have it.  The SWJ
pointed out that some long time business' are leaving instead of putting up
with it.  How terrible and sad.

So why are these business' being damaged?

1. Because the business speeds down the street?  No buildings don't have
2. Because the employs speed down the street?  Maybe the pizza delivery
guys, but no, that doesn't make sense
    either because they usually have a store logo all over their car, they
would get busted and accounted for. Most of the employees park their cars
and go to work.

No the reason they are going to be punished, is that the citizens of Mpls
and some suburbs like to drive fast and break the law.  So we're going to
punish the business owner for someone else's sins.  Lets review some past

1. Pay phones, nuisance, got rid of, not because they rang to loud or
anything.  But because law breakers called drug dealers were using them.  So
we got rid of most of those.
2.  Mail boxes.  The blue ones, we packed most of those up, not because of
anti blue lead paint contamination.  But vandalism perpetrated by law
breakers.  Got rid of most of them.  Make the old folks walk or risk
sticking it in their own mail box.
3.  Now we are going to squeeze the small business' for the crimes of

Minneapolitans, do you still live in a glorius city?  Or are you giving up
the "quality" one increment at a time because you fail to hold your fellow
citizen accountable for their criminal and dangerous acts?

Craig Miller
Former and Future Resident Living in Rogers

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 9:02 PM
Subject: [Mpls] No Parking on South 50th S./France to Lyndale/Merchant Angst

> Anybody notice the signs festooned around 50th and Xerxes S. "No parking,
> Business, No Neighborhood"?
> I called the local lamp maker, "Michael's", at the Corner to find out the
> buzz. What has got boutique retailers upset, I asked?
> Tentatively, I learned, there will be no parking on the South side of
> from France to Lyndale. I learned from another source that retailers,
> McGrann" and "Needlework Unlimited" are already bookin' to points west,
> the parking issue.
> One neighbor said, "We are losing nice, little, neighborhood businesses".
> asked, "What will replace them?
> I did not have any answer; I know parking is gold. I imagine that Barrett
> Lane will be identifying, and acquiring, off street parking nodes from
> willing sellers, to replace the lost, on-street slots. Right?
> Too bad nobody told the movers before made other plans.
> Keith Reitman  NearNorth
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