I can't find the e-version of the article.  Maybe our hard working leader
can do it for us.  But we go.

Page 18 of the current SWJournal has a picture and story by Scott Russell.

A civilian was laid off in the Police Department.  Not a sworn officer.
Budget cuts you know.   Well happy day, the person has been picked up by the
Mpls Inspections Department.   Here is the beef.  Does the person have the
training or education to be a housing inspector?  If so, my beef is over.

If not, why are we doing this?  The old girls network picking someone up
when they are down?  I and many landlords have spent years complaining about
the complete lack of knowledge and training of a high percentage of the
housing inspectors.  Not just in the city, but all over the metro.

Last item, I see hotdog grilling is coming back in vogue for fighting crime.

Craig Miller
Buffalo MiniStorage

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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