Jim Berg wrote:
> As folks have pointed out on the list, the sign had a
> "tasteful" side and a less tasteful side. The tasteful
> side said "Thank You Supreme Court." When the crowd
> saw that side they cheered. The less tasteful side
> said, "Goodbye Strom Thurmond." When the crowd saw
> that side, they screamed loudly and cheered wildly!
> So, what exactly was it that Terrel Brown disliked,
> the sign or the audience reaction?

It's not so surprising to see something "tasteless"
at a Pride parade (Gay culture has always pushed
cultural boundaries), it is a little surprising
to one of our city councilmembers expressing such
an opinion, even if he is Gay.  In my book, publicly
endorsing the death of another person will always be
tasteless.  I think that Councilmember Schiff should
consider apologizing, he wouldn't want to be seen
as being as coarse as Representative Lindner would he? ;-)

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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