Britt says:  Finally, those who profess to want to know the "whole story"
 before drawing
any conclusions should hope for a lawsuit. 

Peter says:  This goes for our city as well as Market Bar-B-Que.  Now
that our current Mayor and City Council gutted the Civilian Review
Authority, directing citizens with grievances to the  Minneapolis Civil
Rights Department, which, for all practical purposes, is adding insult to
injury considering how mismanaged and underfunded that bureaucracy is,
lawsuits are the only recourse discriminated populations have available
when they are mistreated by the Minneapolis Police.  

As we've seen recently, City Hall will respond to complaints of
discrimination or brutality only if the plaintiff has a relative working

Market Bar-B-Que merely mimics the mentality of City Hall.  

And people on this list wondered why I thought  City Council Member Gary
Schiff was a hypocrite for displaying  a "Good-bye Strom Thurmond" sign
at the Pride Parade.  Again, it's rather easy for any of us to bash a
hundred year old dead Senator from the South, but confronting racists
among our own ranks takes integrity and courage, qualities lacking in our
local politicians.

Being a white racist in Minnesota means never having to say you're sorry
because you can always call people in the South racist.  
------------Peter Schmitz    CARAG

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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