There's also May Day Books on the West Bank of U of M where I can get Ad
Busters, and Once Upon A Crime at 604 W 26, near Lyndale, where I picked
up all the Easy Rawlings mysteries published so far (beautifully written
by Walter Mosley).  I've also appreciated the used bookstores in Uptown:
Magers & Quinn, where I can always find a Willa Cather or Jean Rhys novel
when I'm shopping for a friend; and Book Smart where I was lucky enough
to get my hands on all 13 volumes of Ecco Press's edition of Anton
Chekhov's superb stories!!!!  (Forget about Tolstoy, he was a flake, and
Dostoevsky was a crank, but Chekhov was grounded and got nearer to the
truth than any writer I have read to this day.  Though Rhys and Cather
are a close 2nd and 3rd.)----Peter Schmitz   CARAG

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