In a message dated 8/2/2003 1:35:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> With a total city-wide population of under 400,000, I question your observation that 
> there's well over 100,000 rental units in the city of Minneapolis. <

Dennis busts me here, and he's right. I was thinking of the total number of housing 
units--168,363. The correct number for rental units is 78,860. Quite a bit less than 
100,000, but still a large number for 25 licensing inspectors.

Dennis writes:
>However, if your numbers are accurate, and each rental unit 
paid a platry $25/year licensing fee that means you generate $2,500,000 annually with 
which to operate the rental inspection prgram.<

The fees are $33 for the first unit in a building and $20 for each additional unit. I 
can't break out the number of single family homes from the census summary, but 
assuming Dennis' $25 figure as an average yields $1,971,500. This is *not* a hard 
budget number, only a guesstimate.

Dennis again:
> That being said, stating that there's only about 25 licensing inspectors to handle 
> that workload somehow doesn't make me feel any better, or less justified in feeling 
> that we're both not looking after the  best interests of our communities housing 
> stock, or the renters on the lower-end of the rental market.<

I agree with you here. And I'm sure the housing inspections department would like more 
inspectors to get the work done faster.

Dennis concludes:
>As a matter of fact, I'd kind of liken it to telling everyone during their monday 
>morning commute after a winter snowstorm that we only have enough plow trucks for 
>half the roads.  It 
doesn't make sense either.<

Well, we kind of do tell folks that when we say we can't get all the roads cleared 
within 24 hours and have to do it over four days.

--M. G. Stinnett
1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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