Please take my friend Dean's advice - WATER THE TREES TODAY.
An advance thank you,
Annie Young
citywide Park Commissioner

From: "Dean Zimmermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "AA Undisclosed Recipients" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Forget the Rain Forest -- Save the Trees in Minneapolis
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 09:21:01 -0500

The fate of thousands of trees is in your hands. There are literally thousands of trees in parks and on boulevards and in private yards that will die if they do not get lots of water SOON. Go outside right now and look up and down your block. Are there any trees that were planted less than two years ago? If so, go put some water on them. These young trees do not have the deep root system to reach deep enough to find water. Only you can help.
Ideally, one should let the hose trickle water onto the roots for a few hours. Ideally, they should be watered in the cool of the late evening or early morning. Forget the ideal. Put any water on them anyway you can any time you can. 
At stake is thousands of dollars of investment by the Park Board Forestry Dept. The Park Board has pulled most of their grass mowing crews to help with the watering, but they just can't get to all of them. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING MEANINGFUL TO DO TODAY, JOIN ME AT EAST PHILLIPS PARK WHERE I'LL BE WATERING THE TREES FOR MOST OF THE DAY.
Don't rely on the forecasted rain for later in the week. First, it will be too late and second, we don't know for sure it will come and third, if it does come it probably won't be enough.
Thanks a bunch!
Dean Zimmermann
Minneapolis City Council Member/Ward 6
612-673-2206, Office
612-724-3888, Home

The seeds of great discoveries are constantly floating around us, but they only take root in minds well prepared to receive them.
--Joseph Henry

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