Subject: RE: [Mpls] Gallmon's Racist Comments in the Strib

Yep, a Black man expressing White racism.  See Ron Edward's commentary on
this in his web log entries #89 and #90, at

Doug Mann quoted All Gallmon and then commented:

"Some people will say you are blaming the victim" he said "But from where I
sit, being on the school board, being a pastor, we have gotten away from the
African American community having a culture, an environment that says
education is important." -- Rev. Albert Gallmon, President of the
Minneapolis NAACP
branch, as quoted by the Star Tribune, August 1, 2003 in Schools Face
Racial Gap.

I know that many African-Americans and even some European-Americans do not
share Albert Gallmon's view that white European-Americans generally place a
higher value on getting a good education than black African-Americans.

Gallmon is simply parroting the central argument used since the mid-1960s by
school districts when the NAACP took them to court. Until recently the NAACP
has taken the position that differences in outcomes between black and white
students are largely a reflection of an unequal distribution of resources
black and white schools, unequal effects of curriculum tracking, and other
school policies and practices. Putting blacks and whites together in the
schools is a necessary step, but not sufficient to give blacks access to
educational facilities on the same basis as whites. -- See "Evidence that
policies matter"

snip snip snip

Duncan, Brooks-Gunn and Klebanov also found no evidence to support the idea
that whites place a higher value than blacks on getting a good education.
found that high income parents of all "races" who placed their children in
care programs generally chose more expensive day care programs than low
income parents.

-Doug Mann
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