In a message dated 9/2/03 2:25:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< One thing that's become a recent interest of mine - these kids for 
 the most part (especially the ones that don't live in the "hood"), have to 
 reduce their ounces of pot into saleable packets somewhere (they can buy 
 both the baggies and the scales necessary to do so at the corner store)  >>

Keith asks; Is it reasonable to expect the corner store owner/operator to 
refrain from selling exclusively drug-sales related paraphernalia, i.e., scales, 
microbags? I do not include "papers" or "blunts". Subsequently, when said 
merchant touts all his efforts to help rid crime from his parking area and corner, 
should his efforts be a little suspect if he profits by enabling drug 
processing and marketing?

What would the neighbors say, and do, if I, Keith Reitman/landlord, offered 
these same "legal" products for sale from one of my front porches, to our 
neighborhood youth?

Keith Reitman  NearNorth
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