MR. CULLEN - Your claim that "this thread started as a call to Mpls
residents to boycott business if one does not agree with the owner's
politics" is absolutely false.  

I never used the word boycott, and never suggested that anyone should
boycott anything.  I only said that I will not do business with Simon
Delivers because of former republican candidate for governor Brian
Sullivan's association with that company because I find Mr. Sullivan's
politics poisonous. 

Jim Bernstein

-----Original Message-----
Of Bill Cullen
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 5:31 PM
To: Mpls Forum
Subject: [Mpls] Doing business with those who disagree with you

David Shove wrote:

I never buy from Wal-Mart and urge everyone to boycott this big-box
anti-union absentee-owner mega corp. SNIP.

Bust Wal-Mart, FTAA, NAFTA, WTO, all big corporations. Make our city and
state a SMALL BUSINESS/CO-OP state. Tell the big corps to take a hike.

My response:

61% of wal-mart stock is owned by institutions and mutual funds (1).
All my
retirement funds are invested in funds like these -- and I suspect most
readers also have investments in mutual funds.  Therefore, Mr. Shove is
recommending that we do not support organizations in which we are likely
(very small) owners.

We should never prevent a law abiding, self funded company from entering
Minneapolis because we don't like their politics.  If you want to not
patronize their business, that is up to you.  Personally, I will reward
best providers with my money.  Some are small, some are large.
This thread started as a call to Mpls residents to boycott business if
does not agree with the owner's politics.
This thread started as a call to Mpls residents to boycott business if
does not agree with the owner's politics.  I argued that "If you choose
punish people you don't agree with, then don't complain about a lack of
quality candidates."  Many people challenged me for making such a claim.
However all the challenges seemed to argue that the people they disagree
with deserve to be boycotted.  I want to thank all of you for proving my
argument: making your political beliefs public is dangerous for all
successful people.  I laughed out loud when Jason Stone justified
businesses because "I see a close relationship between politics and
Is Jason talking about the Bill Clinton/Ted Kennedy party or George
Bush/Rush Limbaugh party!?

Regards, Bill Cullen
Whittier Landlord


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