On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Michael Atherton wrote:

> David Shove wrote:
> > What is your position on JROTC - Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps -
> > in the public schools, directed by the military, but financed in part by
> > city property taxes?
> I believe that if it is included along with a choice of
> vocational options that it is acceptable.  The US Military is the
> most color blind large institution in the country and offers career
> advancement opportunities unavailable in other sectors.  If JROTC is
> the only option, then it should be delivered though facilities
> currently available to the Reserves and be funded by the Pentagon.
> If Peace organizations would like to provide similar career training
> then I feel they should also be included in vocational programs.

Thanks for your (partial) answer. You say, funded by the Pentagon. I
assume you mean, TOTALLY funded by the Pentagon. Right now it is partially
funded by property taxes on St Paul residents, and by the terms with the
Pentagon, will be funded by progressively larger percentages from local
property taxes as time goes on.  With of course no local control. If so,
are you for continuing it, or ending it?

And, how much money do you think the Feds will pay for peace teaching? My
bet is, none. So all of it would have to be financed locally. I assume you
don't want taxes going for it, so it would have to be collected from

Hmm, military money from the Feds, and possibly local taxes, but not one
cent for peace from either. Fair? Peaceful? Right?

Or, what, exactly, would you propose for both?

--David Shove
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