Well, it is interesting that Eva thought this meeting was such a show because most of us Board members felt it was the most "civil" meeting we have had in months. Nothing like getting a "spanking" from the citizens to get the child back to order.
Sorry Eva, the fireworks have blown their fuse and seem to just be moving on with business as usual. Most of the dynamics in fact are at other times during the week or social times not authorized by anyone.
But even if we are on our best behavior that does not mean YOU ALL don't need to keep watching us to make sure we behave.
Thanks for coming Eva and other citizens who were there.
Annie Young
citywide Park Commissioner

At 05:08 PM 2/5/04 -0600, Eva Young wrote:
As I always enjoy a bit of political theater, I decided to attend the Minneapolis Park Board meeting yesterday. They did not disappoint with theatrics.

There were two reporters there - that I saw. Scott Russell from SW Journal - and an MPR reporter.

The Action Item that brought the theater was this:

Excursion Boat: That the Board Authorize Staff to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with Skipperliner to operate an excursion Boat and a Charter Boat on the Mississippi River. Park Staff gave a power point presentation suggesting this was the best thing after the Paddleford fell through.

A Jim Grabek from the public raised some questions about this proposal. Marie Hauser let him speak - but kept on interupting him when he raised questions. Annie Young testily remarked after Grabek's testimony that this is why we have open time.

During the discussion of the motion, Board President Jon Olson said he was miffed at Grabek because he had talked with Grabek - and had according to Olson - Olson answered all the questions.

Grabek will be sending a written list of questions to the Park Board - and Superintendent Jon Gurban. He has agreed to send me a copy of this - so when he does, I'll post it here.

The Admin and Finance committee moved this to full board - but the full board will discuss this item at the next meeting. Staff will continue to negotiate with Skipperliners.

Annie Young raised the issue that Baylor's townhouse ad - Riverview Homes - advertises that these townhomes are close to a Planned Marina. She said this was offensive to her - since the Marina is not a done deal.

The Park Board passed a resolution supporting the Wirth Weekend - this summer - and directed Park Staff to work with the Wirth Legacy association to work on the events. Superintendent Gurban's former employer has a lease at the Wirth House - so they will need to work with the Legacy society to make this event a success.

As the showtune in Evita says: Oh What a Circus - Oh What a Show!

Eva Young
Near North
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