Lets not breathe - or espouse - too much of this rarified and purified
air!  I do not care what political pedestal one wants to stand on but
Rep. Kahn's transgression is hardly "obstructing democracy"!  More like
going 33 mph in a 30 mph zone.  A violation yes, but not one that is
going to threaten the safety or security of the republic.  

For the record, Rep. Kahn has never, ever told us that we should have a
"one party system"!  Thousands of citizens happen to agree with Rep.
Kahn that a new election for Minneapolis city council should take place
in the next odd year following redistricting.  Others obviously do not
but what we have here is a disagreement - certainly not an "ethical
defect" and not assault on the Green Party! 

The practice of "collecting" the opponents literature at the doorstep
while dropping off that of your candidate has been going on for years
around here(and elsewhere).  Republicans do it, Democrats do it, and yes
Greens do it too.  I cannot say if it is widespread or not but it is
certainly not an unusual occurrence.  No candidate to my knowledge has
ever expressly condoned it, but many volunteers of all political stripes
seem to regard "collecting" as standard procedure when going door to

I am not defending the practice.  I do believe however, that Rep. Kahn
has taken a lot more public flogging for this action than she deserves
and that the accusations leveled against her in this forum have become
gross exaggerations.

Jim Bernstein
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Phyllis Kahn: Obstructing democracy.

People in this forum are missing the point.  By lifting the opponent's
campaign literature Phyllis Kahn obstructed democracy.  That's a  big
deal, though I can see it wouldn't be to many of the democrats who use
the courts to obstruct democracy---locally in trying to overturn the
2001 city council elections, and nationally in their efforts to keep
Ralph Nader's name off the Presidential ballot.  

By lifting the opposing party's literature and calling for early city
council elections  to get the greens out (BTW, I'm not a member of the
Green party), "Representative"  Kahn is telling us that we  should only
have a one-party system.  That, in my book, shows a serious ethical

-----------Peter Schmitz, Downtown Saint Paul

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