Omar Jamal's case offers a stark comparison. Jamal is probably going to be deported or go to jail for not listing Canada as having offered him asylum. Yet Basim Sabri, (another immigrant and the person who Jamal worked the hardest to defend Somali people from) will not be deported for bribing Government officials and doing what in my opinion were acts of organized crime that should have been covered by the RICO laws.

One spent his time in this country exploiting poor immigrants for their money and the political system for its weakness. The other spent his time attempting to serve, assist, and defend those same immigrants. Our country will probably keep the real criminal and exploiter and deport the defender. It just does not make sense to me. We do indeed need to overhaul our immigration laws and policies when lieing on a form is a more heinous crime than that of bribing government officials.

I guess the problem is attempting to see some logic in such a contrast of actions. There just probably is none.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village, Phillips Community, Sixth Ward of Metropolis

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- Hong Yingming

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