> 3) I hear insistent troubling rumors that pods are easy prey to gryphons,
> harpies, and three-eyed basilisks from Fridley. I myself have seen said
> basilisks in action many times, in and out of Fridley (but mainly there),
> and know whereof I speak; what I have yet to see is, have they a fondness
> for eating PRT pods? If so, no way will you ever get ME in one of those
> things.
> David Shove

>2)  If I should happen to leave my Neiman Marcus or Tiffany's shopping bag
> > >in my PRT vehicle when I reach my destination,
Ray writes..

*I understand the basilisks are very selective, however. They eat the pods
if containing  certain delights such as Standish pastries, Roseville
truffles, or a high end Neiman Marshall delectable..they leave the Noko'me
slaw alone...or so I am told about those slippery creatures.

With great thought going into PRT...I certainly hope there will not be
duplication on transportation modes in certain areas. I don't think it would
be necessary to put PRT along LRT. Areas should be selected to ease up
congested car and bus traffic that would not be workable for LRT. I saw alot
of signs along University Ave. last week stating they did not want light

Another note:  Storm water...one building came to $61.88 or $13.00  for each
unit...home was $10.92  for storm water...which I have a small lot 40'  by
@145' which is all gardens and paver blocks

Dorie Gallagher

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