Bill Cullen writes,
"If this board is would take the time
to describe who a “socially responsible” landlord keeps out
of housing, I promise to send the specification to all landlords
I know of.  I currently have addresses for over 1500 landlords.
I will pay to mail this myself.

If you won’t help me determine what families a
“socially responsible” landlord will refuse housing to, then
I don’t know how we can ever meet your

Well Bill I think you started out great with "landlords refuse to
rent to applicants with a criminal history?  Applicants with bad credit?
Applicants with a history of trashing apartments?  Applicants with a history
of drug or alcohol abuse?  Applicants that have a shaky income history?"

All the above will do, unless the person has gone through a period of "recovery" and rehabilitation, including classes on tenant responsibility. Under those situations a person or family may demonstrate an attempt to change and be forgiven for some past stupidity ignorance and thus be forgiven by the community.

In describing who a responsible landlord should refuse to rent to let's start with:
1. Anyone with three or more unlawful detainers.
2. Follow that with any person or family who has a substantial history of criminal behavior, particularly several arrests for drug sales. 3. Anyone using a rental unit for direct criminal activity that could result in charges of controlling a "Disorderly House" under Minnesota Statute. (This includes, but is not limited to, tippling house, prostitution, gambling, and most important of all Drug dealing. 4. Why in God's name would anyone rent to someone with a history of trashing apartments? You would have to be crazy. 5. Anyone with a history of gang affiliation unless proof of rehab and a long period of separation from such activities exists.
6. Those with a history of criminal violence towards others.
7. Anyone with a history of sexual abuse of children. Unless that person has willingly or unwillingly undergone physical castration, or "tanking" modification..

Personally, as a responsible property owner, I would never rent to any person, or family, who I would not rent a unit in a duplex where I personally also lived. If I would not want them living in a house with me, then I certainly will not subject others to living with them for just a profit. It is not hard to be responsible. Just treat every person as if they were going to be moving into your house with you and your children. If you wouldn't live with them, then please do NOT bring them into my community.

I am sure I have not covered all reasons to banish people from Minneapolis housing, so other "Listers" continue to add to the list for Bill.

Jim Graham,
A "land-peasant" from Ventura Village

"He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven. In the forgiveness of others one forgives themselves, and this is the forgiveness that is most essential.

Forgiveness can not change the past, but it does enlarge the future"<
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