There were approximately 50 signed up to speak.  After some debate about
process, the Board decided to let everyone have 90 seconds.  Speakers went in
the order they signed up.  I'm sure someone kept a count of the pros and cons -
I didn't but my sense is that it was fairly even in absolute count.  Because we
went in sign up order, you might get 5 speakers in a row on one side, then some
on the other - back and forth.

Both sides had visual aids, signs etc.  Most of the DeLaSalle speakers were
parents, alumni or employees.  Some read letters on behalf of other supporters
who weren't there (including Council Member Don Samuels).  There were many
Island residents (including State Representative Phyllis Kahn) speaking in
favor of keeping public land public, but many others as well including
representatives of the Sierra Club, the Preservation Alliance and at least a
couple candidates for Park Board (Scott Vreeland spoke, LuAnn Wilcox, running
against Walt Dziedzic, sent a letter).  Jason Stone and Jim Bernstein were
there but did not speak.

In my 90 seconds - I pointed out that the draft Reciprocal Use Agreement (4
pages) is so short, mushy and sloppy that it doesn't even contain a
construction bond requirement (sound familiar?).

The Board took no action.  The Planning Committee will consider the issue on
August 3 and, if approved by the Planning Committee, the full Board will
consider it on August 17.

Most interesting was the Board's attempt to dodge the plain requirement for a
Citizen's Advisory Committee on the issue.  The Park Board Ordinance (99-101)
is clear.  A CAC is REQUIRED when a project is PROPOSED.  The staff reported
that they would comply with the CAC requirement - but only AFTER the Reciprocal
Use Agreement had been approved and signed.  Presumably, then the CAC could
consider such weighty issues as the shade of the astroturf (lime or kelly
green?)and bleacher design, but the real issue, the appropriateness of the
facility, would be moot - the Board would already have contracted that decision
away in violation of its own law.

Barry Clegg
Nicollet Island

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