If the government at the local level can
disregard laws because of funding or other reasons, wouldn't it be possible
that the Federal government can disregard laws to save lives?

1. The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to National Guard troops operating under state control. The original post that brought this up made that very clear. 2. It does not prevent the use of federal troops to save lives. It only imposes restrictions on the use of federal troops to enforce domestic law. The Stafford Act specifically allows the president to deploy the military in times of natural disaster upon request of a state governor.

Thus, laws had nothing to do with the federal government's failure to save lives in this case.

There's a bibliography of articles on Posse Comitatus at:


Apologies for sending this on-list even though it's not Minneapolis specific. I won't write a single other word on the matter.

Becca Vargo Daggett

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