As it was election day, the Board meeting had to be completed by 6pm.  It
was a short agenda.

First side note - I've been attending the meetings since August of 2004
(unless I'm out of town on business).  Each meeting has a printed agenda.
One of the first items on the agenda is "approval of minutes".  Not sure why
that is on there since they don't take notes as Pat Bohn pointed out.

Consent agenda was approved (personnel issues and business affairs).

Reports/Presentations from Superintendent:

1. Recognition of National History Day Winners -  We had the most kids
participate in this national event of any school district according to the
comments and we also had huge winners.  Numerous 1st place in category
winners as well as 2nd, 6th and others - in the whole nation!  The topics of
the kids' reports were astounding.  Amazing kids, amazing teachers coaching
these kids and amazing results.

Second side note - This fascinates me that there isn't any good press on
this.  I don't mean from the Strib.  I mean, press releases from MPS, etc...
This is the core of what the schools are about and this presents a positive
statement on the schools, the kids and their teachers.

2. Amendment to the budget (2004-2005).  The CFO presented an amendment to
make some minor changes to last year's budget based on final student counts
(which were 250-350 more than budgeted for).  Largely a formality.  This
brought in some additional state funding.  Approved by Board 5-0 (Directors
Moriarty and Johnson were absent).

3. Repurposing - KKE requested and received additional time for community
input into the building repurposing process.  This has been extended to
9/22.  They actively seek and requested the Board help them reach all the
interested parties in this process.  They have posted on the MPS web site
contact email/phone #s for those interested in participating and for being
on a committee to help the process.  I'm simplifying the discussion a bit as
it got to be a bit convoluted.  The key points however were the extension of
the date, and the discussion that followed.

Dir. Flanagan respectfully questioned how this process was any different, or
how it was going to be any different than last year's school closing
discussion.  The point was made and taken.  The delegations' comments were
about this point as well.  The net on this was that all needed to do a
better job at getting the word out this time.

The later delegation comments (all three) were about the process and how it
lacked engagement from the communities that continually want to partner with
MPS.  Also, the lack of policy on the repurposing was an issue.
Specifically, Delegate Bill English spoke about a policy that not only
should exist but doesn't, as well as that the policy should represent all
the demographics of the clients MPS serves.

4. Hurricane Katrina response - discussion centered around the 30 students
added to MPS that were affected by Katrina.

Finally, there was formal recognition by Dir. Farmer about the passing of
Evelyn Eubanks who "while they didn't agree on some issues over the years",
her tireless work to improve MPS was well received and respected.

The other formal recognition by Dir. Farmer was to the custodial engineering
staff of the schools that had the schools perfectly clean for the first day
- a great way for all involved to start the school year.

Submitted unofficially and respectfully,

Tom Madden
Lowry Hill

On 9/12/05 9:44 PM, "Pat Bohn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Theoretically, there is supposed to be community input about the "repurposing"
> (district's term) of schools.  Considering the terrible job they did of
> getting input about the closings, I doubt
> there will really be much community input.
> Here's the latest school "repurposing" report link from the school district
> web site.
> Also, this topic is on the agenda for both tomorrow's school board disscussion
> meeting (3:30-3:45) and regular meeting
> (4:00-?).  I can't make to the meeting tomorrow, so if anyone goes please post
> any info you get (like the Park Board, the School Board also doesn't do
> minutes of their meetings!).
> Thanks,
> Buzzy Bohn
> Folwell

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