The ideas of  reform or strategic planning without context may seem vague to 
some folks. But  here is  what the status quo is in my District.

What residents want are  bathrooms, services in their parks and to see broken 
things get fixed and  to be able to know what is going on. In my District, 
District 3  which  includes the Phillips, Cedar Riverside and Seward 
Nieghborhoods,  let's  look at our parks. 

Peavey Park is closed with all its programs  transferred to other Parks- no 
explanation or coordination with the  community.

East Phillips was promised a much needed community center 12  years ago. 
Every year, for 12 years the Board has spent its time and money on  such things 
a failed sports complex outside the city limits, a marina  proposal for a 
location that could not work for a marina, a proposal to build a  restaurant in 
Loring Park, adding another expensive layer of adminstrators to  suprervise non 
existant constituant services.

Riverside Park (another  highly used park with no park services)-  bulldozers 
just show and just rip  things up without anyone in the adjacent homes being 
informed or involved. The  park Board has  ripped up the tennis court, pulled 
out the back stop for a  much used ball field that has been used by picnicers 
and neighbors for things  like- parents against the kids games, for more than 
20 years.
The backstop  was supposed to be replaced. Where is it?

Bluff Street Park- hard working  neighbors get door slammed in their face for 
trying to improve abandoned park  property.

Matthews Park- We have tons of kids from new African immigrant  families. 
Soccer is a great passion in the African community but are these kids  in the 
Matthews soccer programs? No they aren't.
Outreach means going out-  you have to recruit. Instead the Park Board 
cancels its mailed out newspaper  that tells residents about programs- now you 
to go online. When my kids  were teens, the Park directors knew where the kids 
were and went out and got  them. They knew which kids were starting to get 
into trouble and needed  something positive to do.

I hear a constant drone of lip service from the  Park Board majority about 
programs for kids. But the reality is we are not  serving our teens.
Matthews Park has 2 foot by 3 foot sign on the front door  telling teens they 
cannot enter the Park Building in the evening unless they  have already 
signed up for a program. 

If it is broken, don't  fix it. 
I build things, I fix things at my day job. We could save the tax  payers 
hudreds of thousands of dollars at 26th Street if there would be some  routine 
repair of a washout. Instead the sidewalk and trail are about to  collapse.

In Seward, the Park benches are broken along the River.  Three 2x6's and six 
bolts takes how many years to replace?

In my District  the most glaring neglect is how the Park Board Majority and 
its District #  3 Commissioner have ignored the needs of Phillips.

Scott  Vreeland   Seward 
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