The Green Party does not accept money from PACS. ANY PACs. Not even "good"
ones. Not even from pro-choice PACs, or feminist PACs, or minority PACs -
or union PACs.

"Good" is in the eye of the beholder; if it took any and called it good
the general reply would be, Yeah, right! They would be called hypocrites.
It doesn't like PACs generally, and the only way it has any moral standing
against them is to take from none.

PACs bundle contributions from the rank and file and funnel them thru a
central giver. Then in the rush of the race, the candidate listens to the
funnal, and not the rank and file, who go forever unheard.  They should be
heard - if you want their money, listen to them.

The funnels in unions are the union bosses. They get the power. Many - not
all - of them are not very progressive, and often don't act in the best
interests of the rank and file.

The Green Party needs and accepts contributions of all kinds. Money, time,
ideas, etc. It likes the money in lots of small contributions from lots of
individual people. That way it remains democratic and responsive and able
to act in the interest of the many.

So, much as the GP supports unions and the ideas of unions and union
workers and the spread of unions, it will not take union PAC money. If you
personally want to contribute a small amount, the GP will be more than
happy to accept. It welcomes progressive union members as GP members.

(The above is my personal take on the GP's position, one I strongly

--David Shove

On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, TONY SCALLON wrote:

> Many on the Issues lists forget who are some of the larger PACS.  The unions 
> through
> their COPE committees are one of the largest contributors to campaigns 
> including
> many of the City Council races.  Efforts to ban or restrict or force 
> voluntary recusals
> will restrict the way many of us union members effectively contribute to 
> politics.
> The Unions contribute directly to the campaign and also campaign separately 
> for
> the candidates just as the two Park Interest Groups.  Unions have always been
> a mainstay of liberalism from workers rights to civil rights.  Many of the 
> Unions
> are public employee unions such as mine (Teachers Unions).  In effect our
> voices would be drowned out in the so called reform.  Elected officials would
> be forced or pressured not to support legitimate union aims.  And Yes we tend
> to support those who support us.
> I know of no way to separate out Union PACS from other PACS.
> Tony Scallon
> Howe Neighborhood.
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